
InfraSonar is an infrastructure monitoring solution that offers real-time performance monitoring, anomaly detection, and operations optimization. It is designed to be easy to use and adaptable to an organization's unique needs. Its modular setup allows for the easy addition of custom data collectors. InfraSonar also has an extensive API for integration with BI platforms for reporting purposes and supports various notification methods including SMS, WhatsApp, email, and voice calls.

Turn sensor data
into actionable insights.

Easy for day to day use.

Feature complete for complex troubleshooting needs.

We believe in simplicity and one-time setup, with most configuration done by adding or removing labels. We detect changes on your monitored assets and notify you immediately, and InfraSonar automatically starts monitoring any new or changed components.

We monitor infrastructure health by collecting performance and state data using APIs, open standards, and custom solutions, with minimal configuration effort.

By providing you with real-time analysis, you can quickly identify patterns and gain insights that can help you make informed decisions.

InfraSonar features a superb customer service team and a team of specialists who are passionate about solving complex challenges.

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