Why Use Exact Check Intervals for Infrastructure Monitoring?

Employing exact check intervals for infrastructure monitoring is crucial for accurate predictions, consistent comparisons, and streamlined data analysis. This approach ensures that measurements are made at predetermined times, regardless of external factors or human error.

  • Consistency for Accurate Comparisons: Fixed check intervals guarantee that measurements are taken at regular and predictable intervals, eliminating the influence of external factors that might distort trend analysis. This consistency enables accurate comparisons of trends and patterns over time.

  • Standardized Measurements for Meaningful Comparisons: With a fixed check interval, all measurements are taken under identical conditions, minimizing the impact of external factors that could skew results. This standardization facilitates meaningful comparisons between various data sets and measurements for informed decision-making.

  • Predictive Power for Informed Planning: A fixed check interval provides a stable and predictable framework for making predictions. By knowing the interval between measurements, one can anticipate the time horizon for future predictions, which is essential for strategic planning and informed decision-making.

  • Simplified Data Analysis for Insights: The consistent spacing of measurements with a fixed interval simplifies data analysis and interpretation. Straightforward calculations, such as averages, trends, and rates of change, become readily accessible, aiding in pattern identification and meaningful conclusions.

InfraSonar's Intelligent Check Interval Management

InfraSonar, our comprehensive infrastructure monitoring solution, employs intelligent interval management, ensuring that each asset is checked at predetermined intervals, even after being put in maintenance mode. This approach maintains consistency and accuracy for predictive modeling.

Balancing Predictability and Network Efficiency

Directly scheduling checks every hour or at fixed intervals can overload network traffic and lead to performance issues. InfraSonar's smart scheduling algorithm intelligently distributes check intervals across assets and check combinations, striking a balance between predictability and network efficiency.

Contact Us for Infrastructure Monitoring Expertise

To learn more about our comprehensive infrastructure monitoring solutions and how we leverage exact check intervals for accurate predictions, consistent comparisons, and simplified data analysis, contact us today. We're committed to helping you achieve peak infrastructure performance and ensure seamless operation.


Sneak Preview: InfraSonar app will be released early 2024!


Predictive Thresholds for Effective Infrastructure Monitoring