11 Required Monitoring Platform Capabilities for Enterprise DevOps Teams
Datadog recently published:
11 Required Monitoring Platform Capabilities for Enterprise DevOps Teams
We decided to verify how InfraSonar stacks up to these 11 requirements
Commercial and technical scalability
InfraSonar is fully scalable and has a flexible pricing plan.
Implementation is easy and our predefined best practices ensure you instantly up and running.A large ecosystem of free, vendor-backed integrations
Our ecosystem is moderate at the moment, our promise however is to support adding any integration required in as short a time-frame as possible.
In practice this means within 2 weeks.Detailed, clear documentation
Our comprehensive documentation is readily available and kept up-to-date with each release. We actively seek feedback and suggestions to continuously enhance your experience.Automatic and pervasive tagging
Our labeling system empowers you to seamlessly organize and filter your assets, enabling efficient data management and analysis.Easily configurable and persistent monitors and alerts
InfraSonar is designed for simplicity and flexibility with a wide range of alerting options, including WhatsApp, SMS, in-app notifications, and voice calls.Easily configurable notifications and integrations with downstream collaboration tools
Our flexible routing rules enable seamless distribution of external notifications across your preferred channels. We also implement active monitoring to ensure notifications are received and acted upon promptly. Additionally, our webhooks implementation facilitates effortless integration with any API-accessible tool, streamlining your workflow and enhancing notification effectiveness.Developers have everything they need without accessing the underlying infrastructure
Our unique strength lies in its single-pane-of-glass approach, providing all users with a comprehensive overview of all data. This shared visibility fosters consensus and collaboration among teams, enabling swift and accurate identification of root causes.Public links to display real-time metrics on dashboards around the office or send to stakeholders
We prioritize data security by strictly restricting access to monitoring data. This ensures that only authorized users have access to sensitive information, protecting your infrastructure and operations from unauthorized access.Capable of monitoring multiple clouds, on-premises environments, and even IoT devices
Our versatile setup empowers you to effortlessly monitor multiple environments from a single, unified interface. We gather data using a combination of agents, agentless probes, and cloud services, ensuring comprehensive coverage and adaptability to your specific requirements.Independent of the monitored people, processes, and technologies
InfraSonar configuration can be fully automated and requires hardly any configuration.Captures data across all phases of the DevOps lifecycle
We believe that log file monitoring, while closely related to state and performance monitoring, should be treated as a distinct and specialized task, handled primarily by the development team.
"We are immensely proud of how well we meet the requirements of enterprise DevOps architects. This validation reinforces our belief that we are on the right track with InfraSonar."